Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Swansiger, who recently succeeded in defended his PhD dissertation “Fourier Transform Based Analysis of Mass Spectra: Disentangling Mass Heterogeneity and Polydispersity”!
Dr. Samantha Shepherd gets her PhD!
The Prell Group is pleased to announce that Sam Shepherd has received her PhD and will be moving on to Kallol Gupta’s group at the Yale School of Medicine, where she will be a postdoctoral scholar. Congratulations, Dr. Shepherd!
iFAMS v 6.3 (aka iFAMS Quant) now released on Github
We are proud to announce the release of iFAMS v. 6.3 (Quant) on our Github page ( This new version of iFAMS, designed primarily for use in electrospray mass spectrometry-based quantitation applications, includes a large number of new features, including:
–“Slicer” tool for quick, on-the-fly deconvolution and accurate mass estimation from complex analyte mixtures
–Automated charge state series detection
–Batch-processed quantitation with identical selection parameters
–Quantitation tools for use with or without internal standards (linear, quadratic, and logistic fits; unweighted, 1/x and 1/x2 weighting; confidence interval plotting)
–User can modify calibration on the fly by selecting/deselecting masses, charge states, and calibrant levels
–Improved options for parameter file storage and recall of previously processed data
–Includes sample data for use with click-through Powerpoint tutorial
Dr. Amber Rolland receives EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship!
Former Prell lab graduate student Dr. Amber Rolland has received a prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship from EMBO (the European Molecular Biology Organization). This fellowship supports her work as a postdoctoral research in the lab of Prof. Albert Heck (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands). Congratulations, Dr. Rolland!!!
Dr. Rolland leaves for the Netherlands
Dr. Amber Rolland finished her last day in the Prell Lab and will be moving later this summer to Utrecht, The Netherlands, to join the lab of Prof. Albert Heck, in the area of proteomics. Goede reis, Dr. Rolland!
Liz Resendiz joins Prell Lab for summer REU
Undergraduate Liz Resendiz (UC Irvine) has joined the Prell Lab for Summer 2022 as part of UO’s NSF REU Program. She is working with graduate student Sam Shepherd on developing ion thermochemistry experimental methods and software using ion mobility-mass spectrometry. Welcome, Liz!
Amber Rolland defends dissertation
Lily Miller wins FYRE Fellowship!
Our latest recruit, freshman undergraduate Lily Miller, has received a First-Year Research Experience Fellowship from UO to conduct research in the Prell lab this summer. Congratulations, Lily!
Lejla Biberic receives Marriott Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Prell Lab undergraduate researcher Lejla Biberic has been awarded a Thomas and Lindsey Marriott Undergraduate Research Fellowship from UO to support her continued research using Molecular Dynamics simulations, native Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry, and quantum chemistry to address problems in biochemistry. Way to go, Lejla!
Amber Rolland receives university fellowship and service awards
Congratulations to Prell Group member Amber Rolland, who received a Dissertation Research Award for her research as well as a Doctoral Student Service Award and a Centurion Award, honoring her contributions to the university community and her leadership role in UO’s SACNAS chapter, LGBTQ+ in STEM, Mad Duck Science, and other volunteer roles benefitting the community.