First-year PhDÂ student Amber Rolland recently finished her rotations and has chosen the Prell Group as her research home. Welcome, Amber!
Isabella Young, visiting summer undergraduate researcher, joins us from the University of Florida
The Prell Group welcomes Isabella Young, who is conducting research in our group this summer via the University of Oregon Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR). She is studying anthrax toxin complex and its interactions with lipids.
Micah and Simon to present at ACS NORM 2017
The Prell Group will present research at the upcoming American Chemical Society NORM Meeting in Corvallis, OR. Micah will give a talk on the mechanism of chemical supercharging in electrospray ionization, and Simon will present a poster on Collidoscope, our program for computing collisional cross sections of large proteins and complexes using the Trajectory Method.
Micah Donor, Sean Cleary, and Jim Prell present posters at ASMS 2017
The Prell Group presented some of our latest research at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference in Indianapolis, IN, this June. Micah showed off his work on the mechanism of chemical supercharging in electrospray ionization, and Sean and Jim presented posters exploring the use of Fourier transform to analyze extremely congested mass spectra of polymers and lipoprotein Nanodiscs. The conference was a lot of fun!
Collidoscope bug fixes, MPI capabilities
Many thanks to our beta-testers for Collidoscope! Collisional cross section computations can now be done in Collidoscope with Message Passing Interface (for supercomputing clusters) to potentially reduce wall time dramatically over single-node use. We will do our best to rapidly address any bugs found by users. Stay tuned for future updates.
Collidoscope collisional cross section computation program now available
Collidoscope, the Prell Group’s open-source program for calculating collisional cross sections via the Trajectory Method, is now available for public use upon request. Using pdb files or simple xyz-type files, users can compute low-field collisional cross sections for many organic and biological molecules ranging in size from 100 Da to >1 MDa in helium or nitrogen gas. Parallelization is automatically implemented (though it can be turned off as needed) to speed up computations, and a built-in option automatically places positive charges on protein ions in low-energy configurations before calculating collisional cross sections.
Sean Cleary delivers talk at Lake Arrowhead Ion Conference
Sean Cleary gave a talk on the use of Fourier analysis in interpreting mass spectra of Nanodiscs at the Lake Arrowhead Ion Conference in Lake Arrowhead, CA, on Sat., Jan. 14, 2017.
iFAMS 2.3 now available
An updated version of iFAMS (interactive Fourier Analysis for Mass Spectrometry) is now available upon request. This update features a noise analysis tool that allows users to calculate and display noise bands around charge-state-specific mass spectra.
Charlie Davis and Amber Rolland begin rotations
The Prell Group welcomes Charlie Davis and Amber Rolland as new rotation students!
2016 SACNAS Conference
Prof. Prell recently attended the annual Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science Conference in Long Beach, CA. It was a fantastic meeting full of excellent posters and oral presentations, inspiring science, idea-sharing, and community-building!