We are proud to announce the release of iFAMS v. 6.3 (Quant) on our Github page (github.com/prellgroup/iFAMS/releases). This new version of iFAMS, designed primarily for use in electrospray mass spectrometry-based quantitation applications, includes a large number of new features, including:
–“Slicer” tool for quick, on-the-fly deconvolution and accurate mass estimation from complex analyte mixtures
–Automated charge state series detection
–Batch-processed quantitation with identical selection parameters
–Quantitation tools for use with or without internal standards (linear, quadratic, and logistic fits; unweighted, 1/x and 1/x2 weighting; confidence interval plotting)
–User can modify calibration on the fly by selecting/deselecting masses, charge states, and calibrant levels
–Improved options for parameter file storage and recall of previously processed data
–Includes sample data for use with click-through Powerpoint tutorial